About Ina Sultan

With more than 10 years of experience as an enabler and a community builder, Ina takes pride in bringing varied perspectives to the table as she helps families buy homes they can afford or pay for in full, sell properties to maximise gains, or helps rent properties in a fair and equitable manner for both owners and tenants.

People First Realtor

A solutions-driven, tell-it-like-it-is advisor, Ina Sultan is an ERA property agent with a passion for building communities. 

An incident where her parents were cheated of their property proceeds, catapulted her decision to help in the real estate industry in Singapore.

Ina completed her O levels and enrolled in an accounting and finance diploma course at Temasek Polytechnic but left it incomplete to help her parents with their business. She then pursued a partial community services diploma (cert 4) from TasTafe in Australia, where she learned how to help people with physical and mental challenges.

Today, Ina Sultan’s work at ERA Singapore—and have done more than 1000 transactions for homeowners and home buyers— a testament to her mantra of people first.

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